“Understanding what drivers will contribute to growth over the next few years will inform your business strategy.”

Samuel Totham

Read the full article at:  https://www.gqrgm.com/top-10-business-trends-that-will-impact-growth-through-2022/

What are the business trends anticipated for the next five years? New business growth depends on the actions of business owners. Three trends caught my attention in this quick read from Samuel Totham’s Top 10 Business Trends That Will Impact Growth Through 2022. 

The Use of Technology

Artificial intelligence and its potential are exciting and what stands out. We continuously see new ways artificial intelligence is making an impact on business. Personal assistance with everyday operations is easily completed because of Google, Alexa, and Siri (Okay Google, remind me that I have a 1:30 pm appointment today).

Any business that uses this technology creates a competitive advantage. AI applications are beneficial for analyzing data across multiple platforms, automating complex business processes, or interacting with customers, and that’s just the beginning.

The Expansion of the Mobile Internet

The expansion of the mobile internet will impact business growth over the next five years. Accessibility is the benefit of the mobile internet. When you have the latest facts, figures, and information affecting a business deal creates considerable advantages in a super-competitive global market. I see the promise of informed decision-making because of the mobile internet.

Affluence Increasing in Developing Countries

Technology, education, and business expansion continue to grow in developing countries creating stable economies. Developing countries are attractive to the international business community. The possibility of monopolizing a country that has resources, finances, and marketing opportunities are irresistible. Low wages are another motivator for businesses to invest in developing countries.

As the affluence rates rise in developing countries, consumer demands for all types of products and services also rise.

“Increasing access to technology and education will provide greater opportunities in developing countries and therefore contribute to the expansion of the middle class.

Top 10 Business Trends the will Impact Growth Through 2022

Numerous advances will impact business and the world over the next several years. The key to success is adapting your business strategies to bend and gel with the trends that will impact growth beyond 2022. Watch, study, adapt.