You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough – Mae West

YOLO! Living the richest life possible ranks almost as high as air, there is not a second take. As our civilization has evolved, there are numerous opportunities to experience the unbelievable, to participate in the most rare adventures and to touch lives all around the globe.

A wise man once said that being wealthy gives you control over your life, options on how to live your life and creates the ability to contribute to the lives of others. For many years, I would let life happen and sometimes what I desired would happen.

I’ve learn that…Life does happen but the best life is created!

Those that do it best are the people we call the one percenters and the five percenters. Traditionally, most of us follow the 45-year plan. That is the plan taught to us by our working parents and grandparents. Get an education, get a job, work hard and when you reach 65 retire and live happily ever after. Here’s the real deal…a study by the Social Security Administration found that for every 100 people that reach the age of 65:

A whopping 65% of people age 65 or over rely on Social Security as their primary income. On average, that’s about $1,176 per month. My mother told me to always save money. “Always put a little money away because you never know what may happen.” In this global economy, to earn an extra $1,000 at 2% interest (if you get that much), you would need to have $600,000 in your savings. What a bleak picture for most of us who thought the 45-year plan was what life was about. The lesson learned is that 95% of people work to make 5% wealthy or financially fit and the rest of us struggle financially until we die.

“Don’t hate the player, learn the game.”

There is a plan that you can follow to create your own financial success instead of someone else’s. Out of the 5% who are successful, most own something. They either own property, investments or a business. Now that you know, what are you going to do about it?

At, we present opportunities that will open your mind to the possibilities for you to achieve financial independence for yourself and for generations to come. Its the power that works in you that creates possibilities. More later….



