Our character is the foundation upon which we build our lives. Want to build a character that attracts human contact?  Your character is a group of qualities that people judge you apart from your intelligence, skills, and special talents. Everyone has character, whether it’s good character or bad. The good news is that you can develop or build character.

You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.

Good character will get you the best results in life. Good character is necessary if you want to maintain employment, have a business, or establish a solid support network. A good reputation is formed with good character.

Good character is the foundation for a successful, happy life. It is the core of who we are and the quality of our relationships. Building good character can be a challenge, but it’s well worth the effort. Here are six ways that you can develop strong character traits and live an honorable life:

Be respectful.

Respect is a fundamental human value that transcends cultures and generations. It is the recognition of individual worth and involves viewing people as worthy of consideration and honor. Respect means treating someone with kindness, courtesy, and care, regardless of their background or beliefs. It is the foundation upon which strong relationships are built, leading to greater understanding between people and fostering a more harmonious world.

Begin to treat yourself and others with respect. Be courteous and kind. Consider the feelings of others. Respect people’s opinions and possessions. Don’t discriminate.

Be responsible.

Responsibility means understanding that you are accountable for your actions and taking ownership of the consequences of those actions. Accept obligations and follow through on commitments. If you say you’re going to be there, they should see you. If you say you can give them a ride, commit to it and deliver as promised.

It can be hard to accept responsibility, but doing so is essential for growth and development both personally and professionally.

Be self-loving.

Self-love is an essential component of life and can be the foundation upon which we build our relationships with others. It is a commitment to accepting ourselves and taking care of ourselves, both physically and emotionally, that allows us to give more love to others. Self-love helps us become more open and understanding towards those around us, creating a richer, more meaningful connection in our relationships.

Become mindful of what you want, feel, and think. Set boundaries and protect yourself. Find ways to celebrate and reward yourself. Live intentionally and do things that make you feel good. Self-love helps you grow in your love toward others.

Be compassionate.

Your compassion toward yourself helps you feel compassion and understanding of others. Compassion starts within. If we can learn to be kind to ourselves and practice self-compassion, we will be better equipped to extend that same understanding and compassion to others. When we have a deep understanding of our own struggles, it’s easier for us to empathize with the struggles of others and offer support when they need it most. Self-compassion teaches us that our thoughts, feelings, and experiences are valid and important, no matter what they are.

Allow yourself vulnerability through compassion for others. When you see someone suffering or having difficulty, reach out to that person with genuine concern, listen and feel what they are going through, and speak from your heart.

By embracing compassion, we can bridge divides, build empathy, and foster understanding between people of different backgrounds. With this understanding in place, we can work together to create a more equitable world.

Be moral.

Develop good conduct. Morality is usually based on religious laws like the 10 Commandments. The Bible has been an invaluable source of moral guidance for many throughout history.

Its teachings of kindness, honesty, and integrity have influenced generations of people. One of the most famous and timeless commandments found in the Bible is “You shall not steal” (Exodus 20:15). This simple phrase serves as a reminder to always treat others with respect by not taking what isn’t rightfully yours. 

Check your behavior and start displaying actions that are known by society as good and ethical.

Be friendly and approachable.

Being friendly and approachable is a sign of good character. It shows that a person has empathy for others and is willing to engage in meaningful conversations. It also indicates that one is open-minded and tolerant of different opinions, values, and beliefs. Being friendly and approachable can lead to positive outcomes such as making friends, creating meaningful connections with colleagues or clients, and building solid relationships.

Along with the five other character traits, a friendly and approachable person exudes positivity. Smile and acknowledge people that you see. Start conversations and introduce yourself at events and outings.


There are many more character traits that help people build a solid reputation in society and in many cases a well-liked person. Character is an essential part of who we are and how we interact with the world. It defines us, shapes our relationships, and can provide us with a sense of purpose and direction. Building good character benefits not only ourselves but also those around us, as it creates an environment in which others feel welcomed, respected, and appreciated.

Building a good character is not obtained overnight, but if you consistently practice the character traits listed above, you will soon have success.